my name is nasir. i want share my experience to you. it 1st time going singapore. sorry for my bad english. hope you like my post.

i visit singapore with sister and it nice. we go several place. but i want share place that low people know.

it nanyang university. i not think people know here

it strange for me. it art building.

it building same to food

i like green color.

hope you like. i learn more english. see you.
I went there before. I visit my friend in Nanyang Technological University at Grad hall.
Thank you so much. I have planned to go there!! ;)
Nasir. Did you try Jumbo in SG?
Nasir. Thanks for your review. We understand what you trying to tell ^^
I had ever been there before. Your pic make me wanna be there again!
Hi Nasir007, thank you for sharing other point of Singapore view. This place is very interesting to visit.
thank you dave. that good for me
I've never known before that Singapore has this kind of place. So cool Nasir.
By the way, I totally understand what you want to say. Thanks for a review.